Title: What If We Went To Italy (The Libaremente Remix) Pairing: Jaejoong/Yunho Rating: Mature Word Count: 2355 Summary: Yunho's bride-to-be is beautiful, young and shy - everything she's meant to be and nothing that Yunho wants. Author's Notes: Written for remixredux09, based on What If We Went To Italy by mormorando. Thanks to ranalore and sleepish for betaing.
Title: Two Men, A Baby and Some Pirates (The Fatherhood Mix) Pairing: Jaejoong/Yunho Word Count: 1045 Summary: Jaejoong and Yunho play Big Gay Daddies for a day. Author's Notes: A remix of halcyon_morn's Two Men, A Baby and Some Pirates. Rana betaed.
Title: if I could wish one thing Character: Yoochun Rating: Gen Word count: 1151 Summary: Yoochun comes back. Author's Notes: For the open challenge at dbsk_flashfic.
Title: Intertextual Pairing: Junsu/Changmin Rating: Gen Summary: Changmin doesn't like sharing some things. Author's Notes: For the 'vulnerability' challenge at dbsk_flashfic.
Title: looking for the right song Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun Rating: Mature Summary: AU. "Jaejoong fell in love with Yoochun's music before he even knew his name." Author's Notes: For Linda.
Title: Things That Go Bump in the Night Pairing: Jaejoong/Yoochun/Junsu Rating: PG Summary: Junsu vs. the crane fly. Author's Notes: For the 'phobia' challenge at dbsk_flashfic.